2020 Summer Camp Programs Suspended
Dear Campers, Staff members, and Families,
We hope this finds you safe and well in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
The East Ohio Camps leadership team has been praying and seeking counsel on what decisions to make about Summer Camp 2020. After much prayer and consultation, the leadership of East Ohio Camps is suspending the 2020 Summer Camp Programs at Aldersgate, Asbury and Wanake, as well as CYF, ReachOut and Institute.
We know this is disappointing news. We share your disappointment. It’s difficult for all of us to imagine a summer without camp. We know for many of you “camp” is the thing you most look forward to in the summer. The irony is that in these “stay at home” times the fun we share with friends at camp is what we need and want the most.
Recently, the East Ohio Board of Camps & Retreat Ministries spent much time reviewing and updating the Vision for Ministry. One key phrase in this new vision is, “… (we) will develop safe places of hospitality at our camp and retreat sites … ” The leadership team has wrestled with how to provide safe places for summer camp to happen and we don’t believe that this can be accomplished in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ohio this summer.
If you have already registered for a Summer Camp 2020 event, we will contact you about the refund to which you are entitled. We do ask, though, that you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift to help see EOC Camps & Retreat Ministries through this crisis.
You are invited to visit the East Ohio Camps website and make an online donation to show your support of the life-changing ministries our camps offer to campers and their families.
At the present time Aldersgate, Asbury, and Wanake are open as sanctuaries for those practicing social distancing to hike or walk and enjoy God’s creation. Guests are asked to sign in and out following the posted procedures when you arrive at camp. In obeyance of the laws of our land and our commitment to safety, our sites are presently closed to guests attending in groups and staying overnight.
East Ohio Camps is presently crafting plans for a family camp program that fits within the current laws and restrictions this summer. Please look to the EOC Summer Camps website for alternate summer 2020 plans.
We firmly believe that Camps & Retreat Ministries is one of the best ways to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Trust that we are already working to bring Summer Camp 2021 to life.
The challenges, stresses and decisions that families face right now are difficult. In these hard times we can all depend on a God who is with us always and whose love is steadfast. We ask for your prayers for EOC Camps & Retreat Ministries and we want you to know that we will continue to pray for you. As East Ohio Camps leadership, we remind you that God offers peace in storms and the hope that we will once more be free to gather with one another at Aldersgate, Asbury and Wanake, as well as with our CYF, ReachOut and Institute friends. We miss you.
Until we see you face to face, we pray God’s Peace and Blessings on you and your family!
Rev. Gary Jones
Director, EOC Camps & Retreat Ministries
Dan Bajc
Director, Camp Aldersgate
Rev. Bill Graham
Director, Camp Asbury
Julie Lautt
Director, Wanake Camp and Retreat Center
Rev. Beth Wilterdink
Chairperson, Board of Camps & Retreat MinistriesWe look forward to seeing you at Summer Camp 2021!