During these challenging times Camp Asbury offers SACRED OUTDOOR SPACE for people who want to remain united in spirit but separated by distance. Camp Asbury has 450 acres of beautiful outdoor space in which people can spread out.
The Ohio Department of Health (www.coronavirus.ohio.gov) suggests that being outdoors is a healthy way to deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic–emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
For a “guided” outdoor experience meet at Camp Asbury’s main parking lot at 1:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday as long as schools are closed. Trail maps of Camp Asbury are available.
As long as we practice 6 feet of separation, we can take a hike in the woods; individually wander the camp property; observe the progression of spring wildflowers; sit in the car and watch spring return to the landscape.
Please register in advance by e-mailing: bill@campasbury.org or texting 330.235.3418. Be sure to identify who you are. We do not want to exceed 50 people spread out on site at one time. Future government directives may change what we can do.
You can request access to Camp Asbury property at other times by advance arrangement by phone or e-mail.
Restrooms will not be available.
Stay home if you are sick, are in quarantine, or are sure you’ve been in contact with someone who is sick. COVID-19 affects everyone differently, but symptoms typically include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.